Mayor tours Solinsky Center for Cancer Care at The Elliot


From left: SolutionHealth President and CEO Sherry Hausmann, Chief Medical Officer of Ambulatory Services at Elliot Health System Dr. Holly Mintz, Hope is Here campaign co-chair Ellie Cochran, Hope is Here campaign co-chair Charlie Goodwin, SolutionHealth Chief Clinical Officer and Elliot Health System President Dr. Greg Baxter (holding proclamation), Medical Director Dr. Brian Knab, Director of Oncology Marsha Clements, and Major Joyce Craig

During a special tour with SolutionHealth and Elliot Health System leadership, including SolutionHealth President and CEO Sherry Hausmann and SolutionHealth Chief Clinical Officer and Elliot Health System President Dr. Greg Baxter, and the Hope is Here campaign co-chairs Charlie Goodwin and Ellie Cochran, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig was treated to a look inside the newly completed Solinsky Center for Cancer Care at The Elliot.

Director of Oncology Marsha Clements led the tour, pointing out some of the features of the new center and the benefits patients will discover there. In the new space, both radiation oncology and medical oncology are housed in one space where nurse navigators will help patients through their cancer journey.

Mayor Craig was on hand for the groundbreaking of the project. Seeing the project completed was very impactful and she wished the new center well in a special proclamation that reads:

Be it known that the Office of the Mayor

extends its Congratulations to:

Elliot Health System

For the grand opening of:

The Solinsky Center for Cancer Care at The Elliot

And be it further known that the Office of the Mayor

extends its best wishes for great success

And that this resolution be duly signed by the Mayor of Manchester.