Part 2: New Hampshire Magazine Recognizes Lisa Lang, Infection Prevention Specialist at Foundation Medical Partners


The second nurse to be recognized and honored by New Hampshire Magazine, in partnership with the New Hampshire Nurses Association, with their Excellence in Nursing Awards is Lisa Lang, BSN, RN, Infection Prevention Specialist with Foundation Medical Partners. She was awarded the Ambulatory Care Nursing award.

New Hampshire Magazine’s Write-Up on Lang:

Like the science that empowers it, nursing is a self-improving system when properly practiced. It’s by passing on the lessons learned that each new generation of nurses can build upon the hard-won successes of those who have gone before.

As a nurse educator for a multispecialty health organization of 70 southern New Hampshire practices, Lisa Lang is a crucial link in this chain of success. Her primary focus is strategies for infection prevention and control, and emergency response. The scope of her work includes everything from one-on-one mentoring to mock emergency drills to basic life support recertification classes. “I always try to consider what opportunities can arise from various situations, thinking, ‘how can this be done differently, more efficiently, cost-effectively, or made safer for staff?’”

Her specialty, ambulatory care, is an evolving arena of nursing that’s rooted in relationships, so her relations with aspiring nurses are fundamental. “Working alongside our nursing leadership team or staff nurses within their clinic setting, provides me with a valuable opportunity to hear their voices, see their concerns, and advocate on behalf of their needs. This is a privilege I do not take lightly,” says Lang.

The 2020 recipients were announced in New Hampshire Magazine’s June 2020 issue and celebrated during a virtual award ceremony in November. Read the complete list of recipients and watch the virtual awards ceremony here.

Please join us in congratulating Lang on her award!