National Health Care Quality Week at Southern NH Health


It is time to celebrate and help promote quality and excellence at Southern New Hampshire Health System. October 17-23, 2021 is National Health Care Quality Week.  In past years we have had the opportunity to share some outstanding work from our teams at our annual quality symposium. With many changes and our energies focused on caring for our community during the COVID 19 Pandemic we have chosen a different format for this year’s celebration.

Over the past year our teams have engaged in many process improvement efforts to enhance patient safety and patient experience, improve processes, and reduce cost.  We will be taking the opportunity show off some of these efforts with poster displays in the halls outside of the cafeteria. You can also see a PDF of the posters on the Center for Quality and Safety page on The Pulse.

We would like to thank all our teams for their improvement efforts.  The work that you accomplished developing and implementing your improvements epitomizes excellence and the strength of our organization’s dedication to the highest level of safe patient care.

To the quality team, we appreciate your dedication to continuous improvement in making this an outstanding place to work and deliver safe and high-quality care to the patients of our community.

We would also like to recognize during this week we celebrate International Infection Prevention Week.  We appreciate the dedication and efforts of our Infection Prevention team which have been highlighted by their tireless work to insure our teams and patients remain safe during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

The commitment from all our teams to improving safety and quality is a critical factor in our success.


Thank you, 

Rebcca Cooper-Piela, MS, APRN-BC
AVP and Chief Quality Officer