Please join us in congratulating Melissa Taylor, BSN, RN-BC, NE-BC, Director of Ambulatory Nursing-Primary Care for Elliot Medical Group. Recently, she was awarded the Education Scholarship from the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing Nominating Committee. Taylor is pursuing her Master of Science in Nursing Executive Leadership at Walden University.
Serving in a director role at The Elliot requires an MSN, but her manager and mentors recognized her strength and offered her the opportunity. For last two years, Taylor has been serving as the Director of Ambulatory Nursing-Primary Care for Elliot Medical Group.
“I think the Elliot giving me this leadership opportunity and allowing me to make that decision to go back to school has made a world of difference. Certainly, if you look on any job posting for a director-level position it will say masters required. I was given a shot that I don’t believe I would have gotten somewhere else. To me in this day in age, that’s amazing,” Taylor says. “The incredible amount of support from our CNO, Martha Leighton, has also built the confidence to return to school and successfully complete the program”
Taylor graduated in 1989 from a nursing diploma program and later completed her bachelor’s degree in 2015. “I never thought I would ever leave direct patient care, which is truly my passion. After 31 years, I had to take this opportunity. My mentors helped me see that as a director I could have the chance to help ALL our primary care patients by mentoring and growing the staff that are in the offices. That is what hit home.”
She started her master’s program in October 2020 and has completed four classes thus far. Taylor says she has another 15 months to finish. “It’s a challenge balancing work, life, and going to school. But I think my job is making it easier in ways I never imagined, especially going through the COVID-19 pandemic. What I’m learning in my classes I’ve already had a good lift of experience within my current role.”
To apply for the scholarship, Taylor had to write an essay about the specifics of her program and what she intended to do with the skills she learns along the way to receiving her MSN. “I was surprised when I was awarded the scholarship. I have been a member of the AAACN for the past 10 years. So, for them to recognize me as worthy of this scholarship I think it means twice as much,” she says.
Typically, the AAACN hosts an annual conference where they acknowledge those who were awarded a scholarship during the opening ceremonies. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the AAACN is taking pictures of the winners holding their check, including Taylor.
Congratulations for all your hard work, you deserve this!