All week long we are celebrating the incredible work of nurses across SolutionHealth. National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 and ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday.
Though a week is far too short to pay homage to the incredible work our nurses do every day, SolutionHealth is excited to celebrate National Nurses Week.
We all remember this time last year quite vividly. We paid close attention to the changing news regarding COVID-19., Last year, we were unable to celebrate Nurses Week with the traditional group celebrations like we had wanted to. Instead, our nurses were faced with some of the most difficult challenges. Yet, they faced the uncertainty with an unbreakable spirit, resilience, and support for their teams and all those they cared for. and
This year, we’re not able to fully celebrate how we would like to, but we do have some fun things planned to celebrate our nurses and thank them for everything they’ve done for the community, our patients, and the health system.
Please take a moment to reflect on the incredible care you have given to our patients and be proud of the work you did throughout the past year.